Linvalin Joins the Murder

We cordially invite you to join us, welcoming the newest member of the Corvidae stream team: Linvalin

Linvalin has been streaming on twitch for 3 years, and has built a wonderful community with her colour-filled art streams and game play on Twitch.

The founder of “Maru Minions” boasts a huge 26k+ followers on the streaming website and we look at working together to build the community further.

Adding to our growing number of streamers, and more importantly, our creative streamers, I’m sure Linvalin will fit in and feel right at home here with Corvidae.

“We’ve had our eye on Linvalin for sometime, after recently being introduced, we started chatting about all things twitch. I couldn’t let this woman of great talent and artistic energy get away without at least asking if she would be interested in joining our team. Lucky for us, she was” – Aaron “Rowey” Rowe

When asked to give a quote for this article, Linvalin replied with – “oh um feck”

Truly a woman of many talents…

You can find Linvalin on: Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and of course Twitch